Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 7, 2012

Steps for Teen Drivers License in Texas

Are you a teen and wanted to obtain learners permit or driver?s license in Texas? In order for you to secure a Texas Driver?s License, there are 5 basic steps wherein you can do that. Although your age plays a certain factor that causes little changes to these steps, there are necessary steps in the New Drivers Check list of Texas that you must complete before you can obtain your driver?s license.

Take Your Texas Drivers Ed

There are ways in which you can take and complete your Texas Drivers Ed:

Parent Taught Drivers Education (PTDE) - If you are a resident of Texas, you can apply in your sate for the Parent Taught Driver Education for eligibility. You can apply for this if you are aged between 14 & 17 and have the benefits of Texas state program Parent Taught Driver Education Program. This has made things easier for you since this is an online Texas driver education. State?s sponsors are offering a parent-taught course that is state approved which is made available for you to order virtually. These courses consist of video count not exceeding 10 hours.

Classroom program requiring you to attend 32 hours of classroom instruction.

Behind-the-wheel instruction practice of 7 hours

Behind-the-wheel instruction practice wherein 10 hours should be night driving.

Secure a Learner?s Permit

After completing your texas driver education or online Texas driver education, a learner?s permit can be secured by new drivers that are 15 yrs. old and older. You are restricted to drive without the presence of at least a 21-year old driver with a valid license. You have to secure a permit or else in no time you can practice driving without a permit, regardless of your age. You have to pass a written test in order to get a permit. You will also be asked for a vision exam, have your thumbprints and photo taken as well.

Get Car Insurance Coverage

As a teen, you cannot purchase your own car auto insurance just yet. So you must be covered under your guardian?s parents Texas auto insurance policy before you drive. Your parent?s insurance policy rates may increase. The best thing to do is scout the market for the best insurance policy that will be suited to your family budget and needs.

You have to Practice to Improve Your Driving Skills

Completion of the required amount of hours behind the wheel in order for you to improve your skills in driving is important. Online Texas driver education or traditional Texas drivers Ed of in-car instruction of 7 hours as well as 10 hours of night driving in the 20 hours total of behind the wheel training must be completed before you can apply for driver?s license.

Get Your Driver?s License

You have to pass the driver?s license test but first you have to meet the following requirements for phase 1 and 2:

Phase 1:

teen with a learners license for 6 months

accompanied by at least 21 yr. old adult

maintain a learner license that is valid with no revocations or suspension

Phase 2: to earn a provisional license

teens who turned 16

hold a learners permit for a minimum of 6 months

have completed Texas drivers Ed or online Texas drivers education

You have to remember that you can waive the requirement of driving test upon having completed the Texas drivers Ed or online Texas drivers education and if your instructor would allow you in skipping the test.